Interreg euregio
Förderungen | Good accessibility plays an important role for economic development in the networks between Zwolle, Twente, Münster and Dortmund: Just between Münster and Enschede more than 10, people travel by train every day — and the numbers have been rising steadily for years. |
Förderungen | Um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Grenzregionen auf wirtschaftlicher und soziokultureller Ebene zu fördern, hat die Europäische Union die europäische Gemeinschaftsinitiative Interreg ins Leben gerufen. |
Circular Production For Electrical Vehicles | The Advanced Material sector is growing with a consolidated offer, ranging from raw material producers over technology development to production, research and development to industrial OEMs. |
EuregioRail - INTERREG | . |
Interreg euregio maas rhein
- Förderungen - EUREGIO The Interreg project CYPRESS aims to position the Meuse-Rhine region as a leader in the sustainable, circular production of emerging climate-neutral mobility solutions.
- Crossing the border by train quickly, comfortably and sustainably: that is the aim of the EUREGIO, the Province of Overijssel and the Zweckverband Nahverkehr Westfalen-Lippe in the .
- The European Union set up Interreg in the s as part of the structural funds in order to promote cross-border cooperation. Since then, the programme has led to closer cross-border .
- Euregionales Schienenprojekt EuregioRail Für Projekte und Kooperationen im Gebiet der EUREGIO Bayerischer Wald-Böhmerwald-Unterer Inn kommen mehrere INTERREG-Programme in Frage. Bisher wurde in der EUREGIO .