Interreg euregio

  • Das Interreg-Programmmanagement
  • Förderungen Good accessibility plays an important role for economic development in the networks between Zwolle, Twente, Münster and Dortmund: Just between Münster and Enschede more than 10, people travel by train every day — and the numbers have been rising steadily for years.
    Förderungen Um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Grenzregionen auf wirtschaftlicher und soziokultureller Ebene zu fördern, hat die Europäische Union die europäische Gemeinschaftsinitiative Interreg ins Leben gerufen.
    Circular Production For Electrical Vehicles The Advanced Material sector is growing with a consolidated offer, ranging from raw material producers over technology development to production, research and development to industrial OEMs.
    EuregioRail - INTERREG .

    Interreg euregio maas rhein

  • Interreg Cross-Border Cooperation, often referred to as Interreg A, supports collaboration in regions located on both sides of an EU border. There are 60 cross-border Interreg programs, .
  • Interreg euregio meuse-rhine
    1. Förderungen - EUREGIO The Interreg project CYPRESS aims to position the Meuse-Rhine region as a leader in the sustainable, circular production of emerging climate-neutral mobility solutions.
      Crossing the border by train quickly, comfortably and sustainably: that is the aim of the EUREGIO, the Province of Overijssel and the Zweckverband Nahverkehr Westfalen-Lippe in the .
      The European Union set up Interreg in the s as part of the structural funds in order to promote cross-border cooperation. Since then, the programme has led to closer cross-border .
      Euregionales Schienenprojekt EuregioRail Für Projekte und Kooperationen im Gebiet der EUREGIO Bayerischer Wald-Böhmerwald-Unterer Inn kommen mehrere INTERREG-Programme in Frage. Bisher wurde in der EUREGIO .


  • interreg euregio
  • Interreg-Fördermöglichkeiten bis 25.000,- €
  • Interreg euregio meuse-rhine

  • Interreg euregio maas rijn
  • Deutschland-Nederland
  • Interreg euregio maas rijn

  • Förderungen