The plastic soup

Plastic soup film

  • How big is the plastic pollution? How much plastic is in the sea? And how much is actually recycled? These are all questions that are not easy to answer. We have only been aware of .
  • The plastic soup surfer
  • Plastic Soup: a global environmental crisis
  • In recent years, our bodies have been increasingly researched for the health risks of plastic.
  • The hidden risk in disposable bottles
  • The plastic soup foundation

  • If we don’t do anything about the plastic soup, oceans will carry more plastic than fish (by weight) by The United Nations warns that marine life will be irreparably .
  • Plastic Soup
  • Hoofdnavigatie
    1. One wave towards a plastic free future - Plastic Soup Foundation Plastic soup refers to the vast amounts of plastic waste accumulating in our oceans and other bodies of water. This mass includes various types of plastic, from large .
      Plastic Soup – The Ocean Movement Plastic Soup Foundation is a non-profit marine conservation organisation that aims to reduce plastic pollution , specifically marine plastic pollution.
      Plastic Soup Foundation - Wikipedia News Update News.

    The plastic soup surfer

  • The plastic soup foundation
  • Plastic Soup

  • the plastic soup
  • Plastic Soup .
    We eat, drink and breathe plastic .
    The plastic soup surfer .
    Plastic soup film .